D1 Implementation
Processes and activities under the implementation
The chronological order of this pages goes from the most recent event related to the MSFD implementation to the beginning of the process further below. |
The 2018 reporting on updates of MSFD Articles 8, 9 and 10 will be supported by web forms to aid completion of the XML files by Member States. It is planned to use, wherever possible, drop-down lists to facilitate data entry, thereby also helping to ensure consistency in the data entered. For Descriptor 1 and Descriptor 6 assessments, there is a need to make available operational lists of species and habitats from which Member States can select those to be reported (or add new ones if needed). JRC is compiling draft lists which need validation by Member States before making them available in the web reporting system. The compilation of these lists will also inform the preparation of regional or subregional lists per species group and broad habitat type, as required by Decision (EU) 2017/848.
These documents encompass the lessons learnt and the scientific progress in marine science and in the policy implementation, following the assessment and evaluation of the initial assessment and reporting of the EU Member States. |
Even though the assessment classifications (FCS and GES) are different, the criteria for species and habitats in the MSFD and the Habitats Directive (HD) are very similar (Table 1), and offer good opportunities for optimising assessments (i.e. coherent methods based on common criteria). These criteria provide a 'framework' whereby only relevant criteria should be allocated for each species or habitat (e.g. habitat distributional range is not suitable for physically defined habitats). |
Table 1. Pairing MSFD species and habitats criteria with the Nature Directive's criteria. |
The MSFD Committee (Art. 25 of the MSFD) discussed and concluded an approach and an outline for the review and possible revision of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU on criteria and methodological standards Good Environmental Status (GES) of marine waters and of MSFD Annex III.
The review has been carried out by the EC JRC together with experts nominated by EU Member States, and has considered contributions from the GES Working Group in accordance with the roadmap set out in the MSFD implementation strategy. The outcomes of the first phase of the review, namely the technical review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU for Descriptor 1 concluded with the D1 review manual report and the D1 review workshop report that complements the review manual by providing solutions to the outstanding issues that were highlighted in the D1 review manual.
List of key issues derived from the in-depth assessment for D1, 4 and 6, suggestions and potential actions to be dealt with. |
This report presents the findings of the task group addressing Descriptor 1 with the aim of establishing the criteria and methodological standards that Member States would need to assess the state of their marine and coastal waters and to achieve Good Environmental Status. |