D2 Implementation
Processes and activities under the implementation
The chronological order of this pages goes from the most recent event related to the MSFD implementation to the beginning of the process further below. |
The 2018 reporting on updates of MSFD Articles 8, 9 and 10 will be supported by web forms to aid completion of the XML files by Member States.
For Descriptor 2 assessments, there is a need to align the rules for setting the NIS baseline on which the D2C1 will be based on. WG GES, JRC and the Member States are working to populate and agree on the NIS baselines. |
These documents encompass the lessons learnt and the scientific progress in marine science and in the policy implementation, following the assessment and evaluation of the initial assessment and reporting of the EU Member States. |
This report is the result of a scientific and technical review of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU in relation to Descriptor 2. The review has been carried out by the EC JRC together with experts nominated by EU Member States, and has considered contributions from the GES Working Group in accordance with the roadmap set out in the MSFD implementation strategy. |
List of key issues derived from the in-depth assessment for D2. |
This report presents the findings of the task group addressing Descriptor 2 with the aim of establishing the scientific basis for the development of criteria and methodological standards by which Member States would need to assess the state of their marine and coastal waters and to achieve Good Environmental Status. |
With the exception of the EU Regulation concerning the use of alien and locally absent species in aquaculture (EU, 2007) and its implementing rules (EU, 2008), no comprehensive instrument existed on EU level to tackle alien species until recently. The Regulation No 1143/2014/EU, published in 2014, establishes rules to prevent, minimise and mitigate the adverse impact on biodiversity of the intentional and unintentional introduction and spread within the EU of IAS.
Other relevant EU legislations are: (i) the Birds Directive (2009/147/EC), (ii) the Habitats Directive (92/43/EC), (iii) the Phytosanitary Directive (2000/29/EC), (iv) the Regulation on wild species trade (1997/338/EC),(v) the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the Directive on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products thereof (2006/88/EC). These six legislative instruments are not focused on NIS but partly cover the issue by requiring their consideration in the frame of restoration of biodiversity conservation status, ecological conditions and animal health. |