Preparing the 2nd cycle of the MSFD D4 implementation
The Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 facilitates the assessments for D4 providing criteria, methodological standards, specifications and standardized methods for monitoring and assessments.
Review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU
Currently there are several groups analysing the shortcomings and proposing ways forward (i.e. needs for further concrete guidance and proposals for amending the Decision 2010/477/EU) based on scientific knowledge and experience in the implementation process. The different Regional Sea Conventions are actively involved in the process.
In August 2014, ICES facilitated an open Workshop to review the 2010 Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters - Descriptor 4 Food webs. The main findings and recommendations are now available:
In February 2015, the second Workshop facilitated by ICES to review the 2010 Commission Decision (2010/477/EC) on criteria and methodological standards on GES of marine waters for Descriptor 4 - FOOD WEBS met in Copenhagen to provide further input to the review and respond to comments from the Member States, scientists and other stakeholders on the previous version of the D4 Manual:
In-depth assessment
List of key issues derived from the in-depth assessment for D1, 4 and 6, suggestions and potential actions to be dealt with.
Task groups
This report presents the findings of the task group addressing Descriptor 4 with the aim of establishing the criteria and methodological standards that Member States would need to assess the state of their marine and coastal waters and to achieve Good Environmental Status.