Dedicated expert groups on eutrophication were established at different phases of the preparation and implementation of the MSFD to provide scientific and technical support.

A Task Group was established to lay down criteria and methodological standards for the descriptor D5. The group consisted of selected independent experts with experience in eutrophication problems related to the four marine regions, i.e. Baltic sea, north-east Atlantic, Mediterranean sea and Black sea.

In light of the conclusions of MSFD Art. 12 assessment, a review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU on criteria and methodological standards for GES has been carried out in 2013-15. Phase 1 of this review was supported by a group of experts nominated by member states, taking into account relevant delegates/participants in other EU and Regional Sea Conventions policy working groups.
A close collaboration exists also with a number of partners from Regional Seas Conventions (RSC) and other international organisations:
FP7 Projects related to D5:
Peer-reviewed Publications:
A number of publications are available for D5 implementation, including the following:
Feistel et al. (2008). State and Evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952-2005. A detailed 50-year survey of meteorology and climate, physics, chemistry, biology, and marine environment, Wiley.
Hakonson and Bryhn (2008). Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, Springer.