Task groups
This report presents the findings of the task group addressing Descriptor 8 with the aim of establishing the criteria and methodological standards that Member States would need to assess the state of their marine and coastal waters and to achieve Good Environmental Status.
In-depth assessment
List of key issues derived from the JRC in-depth assessment of the Member States' submissions for MSFD articles 8, 9 and 10 on contaminants.
Review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU
The review of the Com. Dec. 2010/477/EU for Descriptor 8 has been performed by the MSFD Expert network on Contaminants, led by the MCC. The first phase of the review process allowed the compilation of all necessary information to detect possible shortcomings, inconsistencies and gaps. These findings served as the basis for discussions during the second phase of the review process in order to shape the final conclusions and recommendations.
WFD-MSFD collaboration
Inputs on WFD prioritization process: Data inputs on marine-relevant contaminants are provided for potential consideration in the WFD priority substances review.
Review of WFD Monitoring Guidance: The MCC, with the help of the MSFD Expert Network on Contaminants, coordinates the review of the guidance documents developed in the context of the WFD implementation process in order to provide feedback regarding their applicability under the MSFD.
According to the new GES Commission Decision (EU/2017/848), contaminants refer to single substances or groups of substances. For consistency in reporting, the grouping of substances shall be agreed at Union level.
The JRC, along with the MSFD Expert Network in Contaminants, is preparing an operational list of contaminants for use in 2018 reporting (as drop-down lists in the web forms). This will avoid ambiguities resulting from different chemical's names and identifiers. It will also fulfill the requirement of the Decision to reach agreement on the groupings of substances.