The Marine Knowledge 2020 agenda sets as flagship a Roadmap for a European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). The implementation of EU legislation such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) request an increasingly integrated and effective data acquisition system. In this sense, Maritime Sensors are key elements within Ocean Observing Systems to understand the functioning of the marine environment. COMMON SENSE will develop cost-effective sensors, fully interoperable with existing observing systems and compatible with standard requirement such as Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and Global Earth Observation System of System (GEOSS).
Emigdia MOROTE
Email: international[a]
Project Topic EU contribution Duration From
N° 614155 FP7-OCEAN-2013-2
Multifunctional in-situ sensors
€4,664,072 40 months November 2013
Spain (Coordinator), Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom
The COMMON SENSE project will contribute to support the implementation of the MSFD and other EU policies providing cost-effective, multi-functional innovative sensors, easily usable across several platforms. Based on methodological standards, they will serve to perform reliable in-situ measurements on key parameters that are critical to determine the Good Environmental Status (GES) of marine waters.

The project core research will focus on increasing availability of standardized data on eutrophication, on concentrations of heavy metals (Pb -lead,
Hg-mercury, Cd-cadmium, Zn-zinc and Cu-copper), on microplastic fraction within marine litter as well as underwater noise and other parameters (temperature, pressure, pH and CO2) according to MSFD descriptors. The sensors, developed onto modular systems, will be integrated and field tested by means of different platforms (research vessels, racing yachts, buoys).
A Common Sensor Web Platform will be created with the aim of bringing a more sophisticated view of the environment. It will implement the sensor web enablement standards as well as optimise data acquisition, access and interoperability.

Finally, the Dissemination and Exploitation strategy will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology results of the project so that they can be used with commercial, scientific, conservational and strategic purposes. The results of this project will be exploited for the benefit of the end-users, including the marine sensing industry and SMEs by improving competitiveness and market opportunities. It will also be relevant for public and private marine monitoring bodies as it will provide more efficient and effective tools.
The work plan strategy for COMMON SENSE is structured into work packages (11) grouped into 4 key phases: (1) R&D basis for cost-effective sensor development, (2) Sensor development, sensor web platform and integration, (3) Field testing activities that will enable to assess the performance and operability of the sensors developed and (4) Technology transfer activities that will allow the validation of the competitiveness and the market application of the sensors developed.

The project objectives will be achieved thanks to the cooperation of a multi-disciplinary team involving research organisations, industrial SMEs, developers and end-users from 7 countries. This multi-sectorial expertise will enhance European industry competitiveness as well as contribute to a better understanding and management strategies for European waters.
COMMON SENSE European Added Value:
The Integrated Maritime Policy seeks to provide a more coherent approach to maritime issues covering cross-cutting policies which can only be tackled through a coordinated collection of data at global level.

In this respect, COMMON SENSE consortium's geographical distribution enables to cover key marine regions: the Baltic Sea; the North-east Atlantic Ocean; and the Mediterranean Sea in order to allow marine environmental monitoring at a global scale.