The Water Information System for Europe (WISE) consists of 4 pillars: Policy, Data and topics, Modelling, and Projects and research (WISE-RTD). The WISE-RTD Water Knowledge Portal can be used to locate considerable policy, research and industry resources that can help with water management. Intelligent keyword linking algorithms allow you to quickly and easily find policy, science and technology related information and to see the inter-relationships between them.

The WISE-RTD Water Knowledge Portal forwards to websites with focus on information relevant for the implementation of the European Water Policy. The linked websites contain a wide range of information such as guidance documents, synthesis reports, reviews, experiences of projects on implementation, selections of ICT tools, methodologies and results of national and EC funded research projects. Information is presented from all over Europe (and even beyond), at European, national and regional level as well as for river(sub-)basins. Different user groups (policy makers or water managers, researchers or consultants) are guided by intelligent searches to customized selections of available information related to any EU water policy tasks.

The WISE-RTD Water Knowlegde Portal is supported by a team of persons that assist with input of information, inform registered users, maintain the system, and secure the quality of the information provided. The WISE-RTD Water Knowlegde Portal will be used to evaluate whether policy questions have been answered by the Research and Technological Development (RTD) outcome and whether needs from identified stakeholders are covered by policy issues. Merging of these two approaches will form the gap-analysis, recommendations towards a better uptake of Framework Programme (FP) environmental RTD results with tangible impact on economic growth and social welfare.

The My WISE-RTD community allows you to publish your own research and technological development related information, to easily keep track of the latest information in your particular area(s) of interest and to interact with other members of the community to share knowledge and experiences. Several European projects have already contributed to the realisation of this web portal.